Saturday, February 10, 2007


Welcome to West Stockton Life Ministries.

Our Life Group Meetings are currently held once a week in homes in Stockton. Our next meeting is Thursday Night @ 7:30 in North Stockton
@ 10361 Nations Circle call 209-478-0705 for Directions

At our meetings we discuss relevant topics for living today

We look forward to hearing from you!

Please contact us at for directions and information.

What is a Life Group?

A Life Group is a set of relationships established within the body of Christ in which to edify, develop, and multiply the members.

Life Groups meet weekly and combine both teaching and discussion. They meet the individual needs of the members, release their spiritual gifts, and provide a forum for growth.

The focus is the edification of each member of the Life Group to become a leader and develop their full potential in multiplying their gifts.

The facets of a Life Group are accessibility, availability, communication, care and help, accountability, relationship, conversation, unity, focus, and group ministry.

***Watch for our Activity Nights at different locations throughout Stockton. We will have Family Nights, Couples Nights, Singles Nights and Youth Nights. Where we will meet, sip coffee or just have a lot of fun!***

You can look forward to receiving uplifting and encouraging information on this website to come. We hope to update it weekly with great testimonies and encouraging words.

Please save us on your favorites and check back weekly for a boost for your day and what's going on @ West Stockton Life Ministries.

Feel free to email us your testimony of what God has done for you...
Or email us for prayer and we will be glad to contact you.

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